Friday, March 19, 2021

Podcast #200


Anonymous Anonymous said...

great episode as always guys. I also often can't get over how much sense it would make for the man in black to be involved in the sideways somehow. feels like a natural extension of his dream manipulation and ability to impersonate the dead. I also always thought it was weird that he was able to convince sayid to work for him by promising he could let him be with the love of his life again and its never really followed up how exactly he would deliver this to sayid and of course sayid does end up getting to be with shannon in the sideways.

it also has so much potential to simplify and explain eloise's storyline. feels like there's such an easy scene missing where man in black approaches a grieving eloise and promises her he can reunite her with her son but she has to use dan's notes to preserve the timeline and eventually convince the oceanic 6 to return with locke's dead body. this would even explain eloise wanting so desperately to stay in the sideways since she would have spent her whole life working for it.

3/22/2021 10:33:00 PM  

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